Private Audio Message (PAM) Service

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Private Audio Message (PAM) Service


PAM Project is a private service dedicated to Italian students of all levels.

Sign up to get personalized Private Audio Messages (one per week) for a full month.

You can submit a paragraph you've been writing for corrections, or ask for clarifications on something you read or heard that doesn't make sense, or even record yourself speaking off the cuff and send in your recording for feedback.

There is no right or wrong way of using the service: no matter what you're struggling with, I'm here to help. ^_^

Based on what you'll send in, each week you'll receive one audio file back from me with all the corrections…I'll include it in my response to your original email or send it directly to your phone.

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Weekly Personalized Audio Message Service: send me what you’ve been working on, and you’ll receive 1 audio message per week packed with corrections, tips, suggestions, and brief explanations.